Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Healthy Lifeline With The Yoga Experience

No debate can arise from Yoga Exercises or is questionable on just how powerful yoga can be. Yoga has proven to give beneficial rewards to millions of people in helping them to keep in shape while at the same time assisting them to lead a healthy lifestyle. Your health and yoga is a match made in heaven. Yoga Exercises and the people who practice regular routines are finding it easier to cope with stress on top of easing body aches and pains.

Times have changed dramatically from the days of yesterday - in the days gone by life was a struggle for families - but some how they coped with the illnesses that plagued and terrorised their well being. In those days you never seen a jogger a treadmill or come to think of it any form of exercise like yoga. The only thing that the modern world has in common from the days of the notorious Jack the ripper is the plague. Citizens today are plagued by stress brought on by pressure from work commitments to running the home and much more. Why do we put up with the torment of coping like the people of yesterday who were a lot less fortunate than ourselves - where their options to help reduce any health risks were zilch?

Yes changes have dramatically altered but in our best interest where health matters is a major concern.

Yoga Exercises do go back to ancient times but why did so many poor unfortunate urchins die from cholera etc while trying to pick a pocket or two. The answer to that is there was no awareness programme administered on how to stay healthy and fit. (Which may have helped save lives?) Could this be the reason why so many children have been introduced to Yoga Exercises by their parents in the 21st century?

Yoga exercises for children start with simple and easy moves - yoga moves and poses for kids are normally named after animals to make it more fun as well as interesting. For example the butterfly pose is very popular among the children - this exercise includes where the child will sit with their knees bent leaning down towards the floor and the soles of the feet slightly touching. Parents are becoming more involved with health maintenance procedures in keeping their children fit and healthy.

By enlisting your kiddies to join local yoga classes you have just thrown them a lifeline where they will learn more on body awareness. One of the main reasons for introducing a child to the world of yoga is - obesity.

Some children take to yoga exercises like a duck to water and pick up quickly on the understanding as to why they are performing such exercises. But then you have those who struggle to come to terms with their exercise and have no idea to what rewards can be gained. What really matters is - as long as the kiddies are enjoying themselves then that is one rewarding result in itself.

Later in life when the child is fit and healthy - it is then that you will find the child`s perception of the whole yoga experience will answer their question as to why mummy and daddy did what they did and that was to send them to practice yoga exercises.

Hot Yoga Helps Loss Weight and Detox

If you want to loss weight in a healthy way, you can consider hot Yoga.

Hot yoga is gaining popularity as the new way to detoxify and to remove toxins from your body. For this method, you just need to think of yoga as if you are in a sauna. In fact, it is thought so effective for cleansing purposes that some natural health treatment centers are including it as part of the regimen for chronic liver diseases like hepatitis.

Your Skin is one of the best waste disposal systems in nature. While it is different from your waste-extraction organs like kidneys or livers, your skin is an equally effective organ for removing waste, especially toxic wastes. It does this through sweat.

Hence, hot yoga provides the perfect channel for detoxification to happen. You would be tapping the ability of your skin to convert toxins that come from various fats into simpler and water-soluble compounds that can be easily removed. At high temperatures, you will begin to sweat. Amonia and urea is eliminated as well as sugars and salts.

When you do hot yoga, exercises are performed in a room heated to temperatures of around 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Once inside, you go through a program of specified postures in a vigorous but very aerobic workout. The internal heat generated by the yoga exercises combines with the external heat of the room to make you break out in torrents of sweat.

On its own, yoga is already a powerful healing regime. When you do yoga exercises, you are working out every muscle in the body, making them strong, supple, and flexible. Aside from being able to help in cardiovascular problems, yoga is also excellent for people suffering from arthritis, stress reduction, and a host of other body conditions.

Every posture in the hot yoga for detoxification exercise is complemented with proper breathing techniques to assist you in reaching the maximum limit of the movement. Thus, you may notice that apart from the regular Bikram yoga exercises, you are also trained in the proper breathing techniques. Proper breathing techniques are vital in detoxification and cleansing.

By boosting circulation and metabolism through deep breathing and yoga posture, hot yoga accelerates the result of any detoxification program. Additionally, you also get to learn the techniques of meditation. You learn to relax your mind, thus addressing stress toxins. In conclusion, bikram yoga or hot yoga for detoxification is a powerful means to achieving balance between mind, body and spirit.

Prepare For Yoga Practice

The practice of Yoga begins with the practitioner. We can each incorporate yoga into our daily lives in ways that make us feel better, more relaxed and healthful. The practice of yoga will help you develop an awareness of mind and body. An instructor's role in the process is to provide guidance and assistance, but to the most important component is you and your willingness to begin. 
Comfortable Clothing. Wear something that allows you to move freely and comfortably. Clothing that restricts your movement or in which you do not feel comfortable will distract your focus. 
Be clean. Please come to class clean and without perfumes or colognes as strong odors may distract you or the others in the class. 
Come to class with an empty tummy. Eating too soon before class can cause discomfort or distraction. 
Arrive in time to begin on time. Please arrive in the studio ready to begin. Turn off cell phones and pagers. Remove outside shoes before entering the yoga room. 
Respect the space. The yoga room is a place to practice relaxation, breathing and postures. Be mindful that those around you may be seeking a quiet space, try to keep conversations quiet. 
Know you limitations. Yoga should be a pleasant experience for everyone and each student will practice yoga at a different level. Your individual practice and your participation in class should reach your personal level of comfort. Pushing your body beyond its limits can cause injury. A yoga class is not a competition, there are no grades; each student is encouraged to participate at the level at which they are physically comfortable. 
After Class: Try to take time to practice yoga every day. If you have a few minutes in the morning or before you go to bed, while standing in line or sitting at your desk, take that time to practice yoga. This could be as simple as breathing consciously or becomming aware of your posture. This will help the body and mind integrate yoga from the yoga room into your daily life.

Basics on Yoga

Yoga for Beginners

If you have recently begun a yoga practice, you may enjoy it and be full of enthusiasm and also of questions. You are probably looking for some useful and interesting information for yoga for beginners to encourage your practice. To start with, it is important to remind that one, who has been doing yoga for about 2 or 3, even 5 years may still consider himself very much a beginner. To become an experienced person, it is important to do a lot of reading, and try many forms of yoga for beginners.

It is a very good way to begin, to have yoga classes, study with instructors and look through different instructional programs. Full well if you are involved in a class. But if you can't or don't wish to take a class, a solutions are books, tapes, videos and DVD's of yoga for beginners. There are also many internet web sites that provide a wide range of knowledge for those, who are digging for information about yoga and meditation. 

Some reasons to join yoga classes, or start doing exercises at home: 

- Yoga is a good way to relax. What is more it helps to abate an exertion for those muscles, which are tense (shoulders and neck, for ex.). When your body relaxes all your muscles also relax apart from those muscles, which are used in the particular movement. So you can easily concentrate on the movement and learn to relax particular muscle; 

- Aged people and persons having diseases also can take yoga exercises without much strain; 

- Yoga doesn't involve speedy movements; it is comprised of very slow and steady movements; 

- Yoga helps achieve relaxation, so it reduces stress and strain. It is a kind of philosophy and usually becomes a lifestyle, including way of thinking; 

- Yoga is suggested to reduce immune-logic aging and body aging process; 

- You will not put out many calories, so intake food amount goes down and digestive power is increased. 

When speaking about yoga styles for beginners the principal advice: look for something appropriate for you exactly. It is usually discussed that Iyengar style is a good one to start with as a beginner. This style makes capacious use of props such as blocks, bolsters, straps and cushions. Those all are very helpful as yoga for beginners to help in assimilating the postures. 

Hatha yoga is also well-known and for the matter of that it is easier to find a class that uses this style than some other styles. Hatha yoga is popular because of its apprehensibility for the western person. 

Another style, good for beginners is Kripalu yoga. It can be described as "meditation in motion". It combines mental and emotional states, giving more attention to the philosophy, mental and intellectual development.

Why Practice Yoga!

When it comes to Yoga, idiots just don't exist. Banish the thought that yoga is too esoteric to understand, too mystical, or on the fringe. Forget about the notion that yoga is only for double-jointed people who've been able to fold themselves into a suitcase since birth, or for perpetual 1960s flower children that sit around and chant all day.

Negative thinking and stereotypes are contrary to the philosophy of yoga; yoga is userfriendly. Anyone can benefit from beginning a yoga practice.

Maybe you want to try yoga because you've never been able to touch your toes and you'd like to do it before you retire. Maybe you're seeking a quiet place to center yourself, to meditate by taking your mind somewhere far away from the house, the kids, the office, and the million nagging details of everyday life. Maybe you're an athlete who wants to learn yoga breathing for the advantage gained by stronger lungs and better circulation. Or maybe you've heard that yoga is great for migraine headaches, relief from chronic lower back pain, or good physical therapy after an injury or during an illness.

The ancient and venerable art of yoga is neither a sport nor a religion; it's a journey of the body and mind. When you do yoga, you nurture the movement of prana—the life force. You'll read a lot of Sanskrit words in this book because yoga terminology originated thousands of years ago in this ancient language. But there's nothing ancient about the concept of prana: Prana is the life "force." May the force be with you as you begin your yoga practice.

The Benefit of Yoga

Yoga grows in popularity in these days. Some people, although they are busy with their work and social activities, will spare some time to play yoga. Yoga can help them feel better and keep their shape. If you want to keep fitness and your figure, you can have a try. 
Yoga actually is an ancient spiritual practice, which is regarded as a means to enlightenment. Many people today practice yoga to be enlightened. 
Yoga has many benefits. In the long run, you will enjoy the remarkable results. Yoga can train your balance, flexibility, poise, health, as well as well-being to the body. Besides these, yoga involves a code of ethics, regulations, and disciplines and so on. 
Yoga practice can relieve the stress. Many people today live under great pressure from making a living. When practicing yoga, you will feel calm and relaxed. 
Through the practice of yoga, one develops awareness of the inter-relation between the emotional, mental and physical levels, and how a disturbance in any one of these affects the others. Gradually this awareness leads to an understanding of the more subtle areas of existence. The ultimate goal of yoga is to expand your consciousness, to open your eyes to vast number of things around you, of which at present you are unaware.

Anyone—at any fitness level, and with a wide range of personal and fitness goals—can benefit from beginning a yoga practice. If you want to get in better physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual shape, yoga is the key. There are different types of yoga and you should find one which suits you. Only in a few days, you will harvest the marvelous result.

Yoga? Yoga? Yoga?

Are you felling tired? Are you under too much stress? Do you have no time no exercise? Well, you may want to try Yoga. It's what more and more people have been turning to ease the troubles of modern life. Practically unheard of in the west until 50 years ago, yoga has become one of the most popular health trends around.
Yoga is a school of Hindu philosophy advocating physical and mental disciplines for attaining liberation from the material world. Yoga was developed over 5,000 years ago in India to increase strength, flexibility and balance. Contemporary systems of yoga stress spiritual realization and it is an excellent way of calming the mind and reducing stress.

Yoga has become so popular in recent years. It's easy to overlook the fact that it is actually one of humankind's oldest activities. Scholars think that yoga grew out of the methods used by shamans of the Indus valley, more than 5,000 years ago.
Shamans were the holy men of early human civilization. Their roles in socity were to communicate with the spirit world to find solutions to problems facing their people. Over time, these shamans developed a system of mental and physical exercises to perspective on the problems of daily life. These exercises formed foundation of modern yoga.
For thousands of years yoga was practiced mainly in India .the exercises of yoga were incorporated mainly into three of the Indian religions- hinduism, jainism and Buddhism. Technically, yoga is not a religion; it is a method that can be used by any one to pursue their own religious goals. Siddhartha, the founder of Buddhism, practiced meditation, and meditation is still a central part of Buddhism today.
Since the 1960s yoga's popularity has grown steadily. Nowadays, westerners practice all kinds of yoga. There is bikram, or "hot yoga", done in room heated to over 40 degrees centigrade. There is baby yoga in which infants copy the stretching poses of their mothers. There are even yoga classes for people in their 70s!